
How does Stock CFD Trading work?

Stock trading involves buying or selling a share of ownership in an individual company listed on an exchange such as the ASX or NASDAQ. Stocks are typically traded without leverage and through a stock exchange.

Stock CFDs however can be traded using leverage and are done so over-the-counter (OTC). Participants are able to access stocks of individual companies, building positions in an individual company or in a specified sector of the economy.

Swiss Direkt Global single stock CFD give traders the ability to trade the world’s most popular companies such as Apple, Facebook or BHP Billiton.

We have listed the most popular stocks across the global markets to give you the best trading opportunities. Alternatively you can trade global macro themes with our special selection of US Exchange listed CFDs including a range of emerging markets Indices, and popular such as the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners (GDX).

Stocks are available exclusively on the Swiss Direkt Meta Trader 5 platform which offers advanced functionalities for both new and experienced traders who require world class execution and superior charting tools.


Stocks Trading Example

Buying: Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL)

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